Teacher Induction  Stage 3 – Week One Check-In

The Teacher Induction process at Atlas has three stages. These are laid out in the Atlas Teacher Induction Pathway. Stage 3 is a check-in meeting that usually takes place on a Friday after the teachers’ meeting at the end of the first week of employment at Atlas, and it lasts for about 30 minutes.

The purpose of this check-in meeting after the teacher has started work is to broaden and deepen their understanding of the complete range of Atlas policies and procedures and to ensure that they are working towards implementing these consistently in class. In particular, we review the assessment and student tutorial procedures and discuss how teachers should respond in different situations that commonly arise in class.

See the questions we use as prompts for discussion during this meeting in this Stage 3 Check-In with Newly-Appointed Teachers form. Teachers can complete this during the meeting. 

To bring the Check-In meeting to a close, we agree on three actions that the new teacher can take during the upcoming week to increase the quality of their teaching (e.g., schedule and hold student tutorials on Friday), and agree on a day and time for an initial observation.

We also invite teacher feedback on the induction process so far and feed this into Improvement Board meetings for potential future changes to how we onboard teachers.

The newly-appointed teacher should now be well and truly familiar with the key processes and procedures and be settling into the rhythm of teaching and learning at Atlas.

Welcome aboard!



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